About RainbowShade + Q&A's!

Hello everyone! RainbowShade here. With some Q&A's. I've gotten a few questions from my pawesome buddies on Animal Jam, so I decided to put them on here so everyone can know the answer. I'd love it if you asked some more questions down in the comments, I'll even give you credit in the title. Just leave your question and your Animal Jam username in a comment and I'll update this as soon as possible! So lets start with question 1.
##1: RainbowShade, how did you come up with the username, Cheeder?

Well.. It started out when I went to the fair for the first time. I won a goldfish. Of course, like all little kids, you name your pets really crazy names. So I named him, Cheddar. After that, I discovered Animal Jam and I made an account. But the username, Cheddar, was already taken. I literally sat there for a good 15 minutes trying to recreate the name, Cheddar. Now, as a result, I became Cheeder. As my username sounds, I'm often called a "cheater" by random people in Jamaa. That doesn't bother me because I know I'm not a cheater! Now that you've read this, you can finally understand that I'm not a cheater. I just wanted to remember my beloved goldfish. (R.I.P Cheddar!)

#2: RainbowShade, how did you first get introduced to blogging?

Well. It ALL started when I was checking out Snowyclaw's blog, The Animal Jam Spirit. I was literally like, "I should totally start a blog! This looks like SO much fun!" So I started searching for different sites that offered the creation of a free blog. Thats when I found Blogger. I made a blog a long time ago.. But I became bored with it. So I quit. Then I went into making LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) videos on YouTube. And soon enough, I became bored with that too. So I quit.. Again. Now, here I am again. Making an Animal Jam blog. So, if it wasn't for SnowyClaw's blog, I probably wouldn't be here. Thanks SnowyClaw!

#3: RainbowShade, what is your favorite colour, and why?

Well. I actually have two favorite colours. Green and orange. Well. Its a very long story why I love the colours so much.. Its based off my two favorite book characters from The Hunger Games trilogy, which are Peeta Mellark and Finnick Odair. (Yeah yeah.. Sorry Katniss!) I love the colour orange because its Peetas favorite colour. (Sorry Gale, but I'm team Peeta) And I love the colour green because it was Finnick's favorite colour. Also, since he was in District 4 (The fishing district) it was a very cool trait to learn that the ocean is coloured almost the exact same colour green. (Sea-green to be exact.) So, as I told you, I could literally make a 2 paged essay about why my favorite colour is green. It is very complicated.

#4: RainbowShade, do you have any pets? And if so, how many?

I have three pets. Two dogs, and a rabbit. My two dogs are named Zoey and Zero. Zoey is a mixed breed and is very short. She is gray-ish black-ish and is very aggressive. Zero is a boxer-bulldog mixed breed and is very cute. He is rather large for his age, (He is only about 1 year old) and he is white with brown-ish spots. (Cute! :D) And finally my bunny, Sky, is the fattest bunny I've EVER seen. He is white with black ears and a few black spots on his back. He is VERY loud, especially at night. Haha.

#5: RainbowShade, who is your favorite band/singer? And what is your favorite song?

Well. My favorite band is One Direction. My favorite singer is Owl City. (Adam Young) My favorite song by One Direction would have to be One Thing. My favorite song by Owl City is Deer in The Headlights. (Not a huge fan of the music video though.) But my favorite song of all time would have to be... 50 Ways to Say Goodbye by Train. I love that song so much! If you've never heard it, you should check it out, pronto.

I had an awesome time answering these questions. If you have any other questions, make sure to leave a comment about them below and I'll make sure to answer them!


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