Mean Jammers + Scammers!

Hey everyone! RainbowShade here!!! This is my new page all about scammers and mean jammers. Guys, I'm not making this page to "tattle-tale" against jammers, I'm only making this page because I don't want any of you awesome people out there to experience these mean jammers! So here is the first jammer!!!

Here is a jammer who is being VERY inappropriate. Unfortunately I didn't get their username, but I can describe them for you, he/she was a black/gray/white raccoon. Sorry I didn't catch their username. But look at what they said!

 This is VERY inappropriate! I can't even BELIEVE someone DARED to say that in Jamaa Township. They should totally be banned. Also, they hid themselves so their username could not be spread around. Woops!
 NOW. This should NOT be on kid-friendly games! I mean, I hear worse than this on YouTube EVERY day, so it doesn't necessarily bother me, but for little kids, what the heck?! WHY?!
I'm so sorry I put this... horrible, inappropriate  writing on here... But this person was being unacceptably mean and I can't believe these type of people!

Now after this, inappropriate experience, a less.. offending comment. I'm sure this non-mem didn't mean it, just having some seal pride.. lol.

Again, the username is unknown. (WHY RAINBOW DO YOU NOT CHECK THE NAMETAGS?!) Well. I'm sure this non-mem isn't meaning anything inappropriate. This rude comment is a bit offensive to wolves though, right?

These next pictures are jam-a-grams that were sent to me when I told a girl she was being rude.. What a smart reaction right? To tell someone they are awkward? Well I guess not!

 Here is the first letter. As you can see, her username is sAm1334. Haha. What a great way to get CAUGHT!
 Ok. Apparently I'm horrible. What the heck?
 Yep. You said that the first time.
And of course, I asked her "Why am I a "horrible jammer"?" Well. Isn't this the average response? "You just are." What a genius, right?

Well. Anyways, here is a picture of a person, claiming that EVERYONE should flash trade her. Haha.

 So here is the "flash trader". An average pink raccoon. She doesn't look very suspicious, right? Well then, if you thought so you are wrong! She is literally BEGGING people to flash trade her.
 When you look at her appearance, you'd think she would be a regular pink raccoon, but she seriously, won't stop asking for people to try again. Apparently shes really bad at flash trading!
 So AGAIN shes BEGGING people to try again. Maybe she should, either get better at flash trading, or maybe STOP. I know a lot of people agree, flash trading is a S-C-A-M. If you don't give them their items back, you are considered a scammer. So why waste your reputation on Animal Jam, just to get rares?
 And again. She is here begging. But this time, I seriously don't understand what shes saying, she is apparently telling everyone that she will give them a fox hat if they try to trade her and she says no. Confusing, right?
And finally. Here is her username. I always forget to get snapshops of people's usernames but now I got one! This Flash Trader is Saffron4123. So if you see her around, make sure to steer clear.

NEXT CATEGORY. We have this jammer who thinks her party is only good enough for members. Her quote is "Hey member ONLY party my den. Member ONLY party, my den." First of all. Great use of grammar! (Not.) And second of all. Nonmembers are awesome too, lets not leave them out of the picture!

Also, in the bottom-left corner, you probably see that pink tiger saying "Go to my den if you like me!" Well, this is the next category, "Annoying People". I'm sure you've all seen these messages.

 So here I quote, "If you "Like Like" me, go to my den!" Well. Guess what! No one really "like like"'s you because this is a freaking (Excuse my choice of words) child-friendly game! Little 3-13 year old kids (lol no offense 13 year olds) are playing this game to have fun, not to go out with people! Seriously, go play Sims or something if you want to go out with someone.

AND AGAIN! We have the same exact message that has been spread throughout Jamaa, "Go to my den if you like me". The average message for a stupid (Excuse my choice of words, again.) little girl/boy that thinks it is cool and "popular" to have a boyfriend/girlfriend on an online game. Why do little kids think these ways? Well, they want to be popular on Animal Jam, probably because they hardly have an outside life. (Of course you don't have a life if you sit on a computer all day looking for a boyfriend..) I'm very sorry for my rudeness against these people, but they really... REALLY get on my nerves. This is a (Excuse my choice of words, AGAIN) freaking kids game! Stop looking for girlfriends and boyfriends and stuff!

That is it for this update on my "Mean Jammers!" page. See you guys next time with more scammers and mean jammers who you should steer clear of!

Also, like my new signature? Since my wolf's name is Enchanted Cutewolf, my awesome friend, CrazyForWolves123, made me this pawesome signature! Check her out on Animal Jam, and on YouTube! Her channel name is.. CrazyForWolves123!!


  1. thats nothing compared to what i saw someone saying in jamaa! "suck my coke" "jeezuz haz hairy nutz"

  2. Ya I went to Brady's lab and I saw those dang innapropiete Wolves. They R so gross....
