Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome to RainbowShade's AJ Blog!

Hi, I'm RainbowShade! Welcome to my Animal Jam Blog! On Animal Jam, my username is Cheeder. (Long Story) And I'm making this blog to help anyone on Animal Jam who might be having trouble. As you can probably tell, I love rainbows. Get used to it because this isn't the only time you'll see rainbows on here. (lol)
This blog will be ALL about Animal Jam. Nothing more, nothing less. I hope everyone who is reading this will appreciate my blog, and everything I post on it! In time, I'll probably add authors, or do "Jammers of the Week". (Day, Month, Year, etc.) But first, you must read the rules. Here they are!

#1: No explicit language in any of the comments. I'd like this blog to be kid friendly. (Plus, I don't like cussing either..)

#2: If you don't like my blog, that's okay, just don't rage about it in the comments! If you extremely hate my blog, feel free to send me an Email about what I can do better. ( CheederAJ@gmail.com )

#3: If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment! I'd love to hear from you guys!
#4: This will be a blog where I post at random. Please don't expect me to post every day or on a certain day. I feel that I need time for my posts. Plus, updates only come every other Thursday!

#5: If you want to leave a YouTube video or a blog URL in the comments, that's fine! I'd love to check out all of your blogs! But if you don't mind, I will make a little list on the side of my blog where I will put every URL that I get. (So they don't plug up the comment box)

#6: Have fun reading! If you love my blog, then make sure to look out for posts hopefully every week! I might have giveaways or parties if I have enough people viewing my blog. Thanks for visiting my blog!


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